Writer. Gatherer. Feverish believer that life is not supposed to suck.

A Note From Shana -

I have always been expressive. Whether I am enthusing about an exciting new discovery, seeing the comedic in the increasing number of humbling events that life serves, letting someone have it with the perfect pairing of words to precisely convey my wrath, or attempting to articulate the universal in my own experience of suffering, I want to convey it all. Not just through sparkle eyes and laughter or a mean display of stink eye and some cathartic tears but also with my words.

My love of writing started when I won my mom the title of Mother of the Year for the town of Los Altos, CA in 1979, besting my brother’s entry and spawning a playful rivalry between us that’s still ongoing.

Since then, I have been a columnist for the Almaden Times family of newspapers, been published in several Chicken Soup books, and self-published three books. I was recently a finalist in the San Francisco Writers Conference contest for my essay titled Destination: Acceptance about my beloved mom’s mortality.

I hope that your visit to my website leaves you feeling something… something like validation and levity and love.



P.S. My other passion is gathering people to help ensure a deeper sense of purpose and connection for us all. To that end, I am currently building a community for women 50+ in Silicon Valley called The Gigis, where we Gather, Grow, and Give Back. Please visit The Gigis for more information.